Policy Advisory Committee

Photo of fireweed with the sunsetting in the background

Hello Gustavus community members,

We are excited to announce a new opportunity to participate in your city government!

The city council recognizes the value of transparency, fairness, and public engagement in local government, and we are undertaking an effort to ensure that our policies and procedures uphold those values to the highest standards.

We are looking for volunteers to work on a committee that will:

  1. Review city policy and procedures to identify opportunities to improve the Endowment Fund Grant application and allocation processes, taking public comments into consideration.
  2. Review and develop ethical guidelines specific to the formation, structure and operation of city committees.
  3. Report progress and recommendations to the Gustavus City Council and the Mayor.

We hope to have meaningful results that we can present to the city council in May so that changes can be made to the Endowment Fund application and allocation processes in the upcoming year.


Resolution establishing this committee: CY25-01 A resolution by the City of Gustavus establishing a special policy advisory committee