
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
CY22-03 Submission of Capital Projects Submission and Information System (CAPSIS) to the Alaska Legislature Mon 1/17/22 Link
CY22-02 Certifying the Annual Certified Financial Statement of Revenues and Authorized Expenditures for the Year Ending June 30, 2021 Mon 1/17/22 Link
CY22-01 Requiring Protective Face Mask Wearing Inside Enclosed City-Owned Buildings Mon 1/17/22 Link
CY21-15 City of Gustavus Comments on USFS Roadless Rule Mon 12/13/21 Link
CY21-14 Adopting An Alternative Allocation Method For The Fy22 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Program And Certifying That This Allocation Method Fairly Represents The Distribution Of Significant Effects Of Fisheries Business Activity In Fma 17: Northern Southeast Mon 12/13/21 Link
CY21-13 Awarding Endowment Fund Earnings for FY2022 Mon 12/13/21 Link
CY21-12 Confirming Application for the ARPA Local Government Lost Revenue Relief Program (LGLRRP) Tue 11/23/21 Link
CY21-11 In Support for a Permanent Ban on Tailings Dams and for a Temporary Halt to the Permitting, Exploration, Development, and Expansion of Canadian Mines Along Alaska-British Columbia Transboundary Salmon Rivers until the United States-Canada Boundary Waters Mon 9/20/21 Link
CY21-10 Appointing Election Officials for the 2021 Municipal Election Mon 9/20/21 Link
CY21-09 A Resolution Acceptance of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Mon 7/19/21 Link
CY21-08 Endowment Fund Asset Allocation Plan Mon 6/14/21 Link
CY21-07 Updating the Requirement for Wearing of Cloth Face Masks or Face Shields Mon 5/24/21 Link
CY21-06 Repealing & Replacing The Remote Seller Sales Tax Code & Common Definitions Mon 4/12/21 Link
CY21-05 Encouraging Gustavus Residents and Visitors to have a Negative Covid-19 Test Result or Take a Test on Arrival Mon 3/8/21 Link
CY21-04 Encouraging Gustavus Residents and Visitors to Keep Gustavus Safe Mon 3/8/21 Link
CY21-03 Approving the Submission Capital Improvement Funding Requests Mon 2/8/21 Link
CY21-02 Updating Gustavus Public Library Policies Mon 1/11/21 Link
CY21-01 Certified Financial Statement Mon 1/11/21 Link
CY20-28 In Support of Byte Networking DBA Fibre Alaska USDA Broadband Grant Application Mon 12/14/20 Link
CY20-27 To Award Endowment Fund Earnings for 2021 Mon 12/14/20 Link
CY20-26 Adopting An Alternative Allocation Method For The Fy21 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Program And Certifying That This Allocation Method Fairly Represents The Distribution Of Significant Effects Of Fisheries Business Activity In Fma 17: Northern Southeast Mon 12/14/20 Link
CY20-25 Declaring a Local Disaster and Requesting Assistance from the State of Alaska Mon 12/7/20 Link
CY20-24 Encouraging Continued COVID-19 Prevention Efforts Mon 12/7/20 Link
CY20-23 Declaring a Second Local Emergency in Response to COVID-19 and a Request for State and Federal Assistance Mon 11/9/20 Link
CY20-22 Requiring the Wearing of Cloth Face Masks or Face Shields Mon 9/21/20 Link
